I wrote this in Reddit as a sort of exercise to help me off my writer's block. I never intended for this to be this long, so I'm posting it here as well since it's been a while since I last blogged. I saw my crush's pictures on Facebook today... sigh.. I met her when i went to Malaysia some years ago. A friend of mine who works in Kuala Lumpur let me stay in their apartment for a day, and that's when I first saw her. It was early in the morning when I arrived, and I was worried that I woke them up too early. As I came in, she and their one other room mate got out of their rooms and we were introduced to each other. I found her interesting for that moment, though I couldn't point my finger why. My friend and her room mates agreed to accompany me on my tour of the city, so they prepped up that morning, eating lunch and watching movies while doing so. They played the film "One More Chance" on the TV, and it's the first time I saw it. Coming o...
stories • thoughts • journeys • countless letters on paper