Once there was a moth who fell in love with a caterpillar. It was the moment they met, and the feeling, though not foreign to the Moth, was instantaneous. The Moth began to get close to the Caterpillar until they became good friends.
Each day, during sunset, the Moth would perch along the branches of the tree where the Caterpillar lives. The two would then talk for hours, until they both realize its midnight. The Moth would share stories of its adventures, beyond the forest, above the clouds, across the river. The Caterpillar would be fascinated with these stories, and it too will share stories of it's own: how it hides from the birds that rest among its tree's branches, how it watches the small animals that rest below the tree's shade and the other insects that flutter around.
"Oh, how I envy you my friend the Moth", the Caterpillar said one day, "You fly from tree to tree, branch to branch. You can see the world from above, you can go wherever you want to go, while I linger here at my branch all day."
"Have no worries," answered the Moth, someday, you too would be able fly, all caterpillars do."
The next day, wanting to cheer up its friend, the Moth brought with it an unusual Singing Leaf. "You let the wind pass through this leaf's little holes, and it will sing." it said, and the Caterpillar was happy.
On another day, the rain was pouring down hard on the forest, so the two insects hid under the covers of the thick leaves of the tree. The Caterpillar saw it's own reflection on the silver rain drops that covered the branches of the tree and cried "Oh I'm so fat and ugly. How will I able to fly when I'm so big and heavy."
The Moth objected, "Everyone is as beautiful as they believe they are. I believe you are beautiful, and so should you." And when the rain stopped, the Moth called upon its friends, the Fireflies with their glowing tails, and they danced around the tree. And the Caterpillar was happy.
One day, the Caterpillar grew terribly ill, to the point that it couldn't move no longer. "Am I dying? I don't want to die yet, there are many things I still want to do. I still want to fly, to cross the river, to dance and-"
"No, " interrupted the Moth, "you are not going to die. I'll never let that happen."
"Please don't leave me alone,"said the Caterpillar, crying.
"I won't. I'll be here."
"Thank you. Thank you so much. You have been so good to me. I've always thought I was alone, like I have no friends. I just sit here on my branch, eating trees, avoiding the birds, and watching all the creatures below, they are so happy, and everything is so beautiful, except for me. Until you came, and you became my friend. You have been so nice to me, and I never felt alone anymore."
"That is because I love you. I had always loved you." said the Moth.
"You do?" asked the Caterpillar. "I am so grateful, " and the Caterpillar was happy and they both fell asleep.
The next day, the Moth was shocked as it saw the Caterpillar trapped inside a leafy webbed enclosure, just below its branch. The Moth tried to open the leaf, but the insect is not strong enough. It shouted, and called for its friend inside, but there was no reply.
So the Moth returned each day, and the enclosure would turn harder and harder. But the Moth remained beside its friend all the time, leaving only to eat and hide from the birds.
Until one day, the Moth noticed the enclosure change its color. The poor insect recognized the Caterpillar, trapped inside. He watched and waited, as the casing slowly opened up, until finally the Caterpillar emerged, with its own set of wings.
"You're back!" the Moth shouted in excitement, "and you have wings, and you are more beautiful than ever. I'm so glad that you're not harmed." and the Moth went closer to the Caterpillar.
But the insect backed away, "who are you?" it asked.
"Its me, your friend. I have waited for you to come out of that thing, and now here you are."
"I'm sorry, but I don't remember you, you must have mistaken me for someone else."

"Get back! Don't come near me, go away, I don't know you! You're so ugly, go away!" And the Caterpillar spread its wings, and flew up above the branches, above the tree, beyond the clouds. And it was beautiful, and the Moth couldn't help but wonder how something so beautiful and amazing could cause so much pain.
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